Monday, June 1, 2015

Pops Concert

I was blown away at the students' enthusiasm for dressing up in costumes!  Anyhow, here's my post regarding the concert:

It says this:
I was definitely surprised and impressed with all of the movie costumes!

We started out of tune, especially the intro and every time we jumped up in the melody.  A bit messy at the coda.  I didn't think we'd be able to hear the trumpets when they got the melody alone, but they got there.  Dynamics are definitely present.  We can do even more though!

I surprised our recorder - I meant to tell him that we strung the songs together!  I love hearing applause at the beginning of the piece.  That surprised me!  Trumpets were quite loud, although I think it was mostly due to one trumpet holding up his bell.  Love the dialogue between brass & woodwind.  We started slowing down a bit in the end section, but fixed it.  We must have been loud, as I could not hear the fire alarm going off.

LOTR - the Two Towers
Nice dynamics.  Good following on the dynamic changes.  The oboe solo comes through nice and clearly.  Trumpets played triplets instead of 16th notes (we're the only ones who would know that!)  It builds up nicely to the gong.  I wish the gong was bigger and a bit lower-sounding.  Nice sax melody on the slow, quiet part.  French horns & flutes did well with Gollum's tune.  I conducted it pretty freely, and the group followed well.  The ending worked out nicely, especially in the timp & trumpets.

Good rhythm in the beginning from the tenors & clarinets.  We may have been a bit fast - flutes/clarinets had a hard time with the quick rhythm.  Nice bongos.  Good entrances from everyone.  Nice roll & fill.  Trumpet echos a bit weak.  Great trombones.  Nice staccato melody.  Awesome trombone countermelody!  Good dynamics in Soulsville.  Good bass solo.  Good balance throughout.  Nice 16th note rhythm in the trumpets, and I love it when the flutes & 1st clarinets come in!  Trumpets, we needed to work on those hits more - you seem hesitant.

I was surprised at how well-balanced this was.  We missed a lot of the rhythms, but the chorus covered for us!  Well-done watching on this.  Great ending.

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