Tuesday, June 29, 2010


School in-service has been done for about a week, and I'm starting to get into the swing of summer again. The cold I had certainly slowed me down, but today I went back to school and got Summer Band music together. Eleven songs or so, and they'll be fun. I also grabbed books so my summer private lessons can play duets. I think they'll like that, and duets are really good to play. Kids have to listen to the other part and keep track of their own part, too. Lessons start tomorrow, and Summer Band begins next week.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


End of the year grades are upon me. They take up a lot of time, and there's other paperwork that must be done too. This is when I really wonder, "does anyone even LOOK at these?" I hope so.... My grading reports are pretty detailed, and take up TIME.

Why am I wasting time writing this when I could be grading? Writing out all these reports gets REALLY OLD. Back to the grind.....