Thursday, January 28, 2010

Band Quitting Season is OPEN!

So here is goes. Kids are too busy. They want recess. Basketball is cutting into band. Give me a break! Get this: mom buys a brand new, beautiful-looking blue trumpet for her kid (I was a bit worried about the trumpet falling apart, because it's Chinese-made, but that's irrelevant). This kid forgets to bring it for at least four weeks in a row. Then a note appears in my box from the parent saying the kid is quitting! Unbelievable! The kid forgets enough, so quitting is apparently the only option! I'm telling the kids about "Band Quitting Season" today, and that Band will still be here even if there's only four of them left! I think I'm going to be down to two percussionists soon, even though I started with eight! And so it continues....

Saturday, January 2, 2010


So IMEEM is gone as we know it. But it was recommended that I try (as in I punched in a few artists I like, but don't know very well. It played some great music, and then created a whole playlist of recommended music. Very cool. And THEN, I found that the histories behind the groups are well written-out and interesting. It's inspired me to blog some more about prog. Try, and I think you'll like it.