Sunday, May 2, 2010


This was the first time in my career that 100% of my healthy students attended both concerts at my schools!  Kids were right into the concerts, and were really ready.

In Derby the Advanced Band had some trouble during the dress rehearsal- we actually had to stop briefly during Manchester March and regroup.  The Beginning Band had a student drop their instrument, and although it was still playable he was understandably upset.  In the evening, everyone from both groups really watched me well.  I missed a cue for the Jazz Band when I started enjoying playing my bass a bit too much!

In Newport we had a strange day that began with no dress rehearsal.  I do wish I had another chance to conduct the concert.  I missed several cues, and didn’t exaggerate the dynamics as I would have liked.  I felt like my head wasn’t in it 100%.

Next year I think I’d like both concerts to be before April vacation.  The Newport kids have one week to have Stars & Stripes memorized.  Of course, they’ve had the music for quite a while but very few have worked on memorizing.  Next year we should also play Stars & Stripes WAY WAY earlier.

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