Big Whiskey Social Club played for "Ron's Fire Recovery" fundraiser at the Coventry Community Center for about 75 people. It was a good gig, even though we hadn't played together in quite some time. I found out the their alternate bassist has not been able to rehearse with them, and I agreed that I'd stick around. I'm not a big fan of the music, but I enjoy playing with these guys. The set list was the same as the last few gigs. I think I played really well, with only a few issues:
- Honky Tonk BeDonkadonk - used the Fender, tuned down and screwed up some of the low F#'s and G's.
- There's an ending with a run that I left out because I couldn't remember it, but I'm not convinced it's being done correctly. I'm going to have to figure it out.
Great night, though, overall.
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