Soul Kingdom - the highlight of the day, at least for me |
This was a great day of gigs, but it didn't go perfectly. It started off with phone call asking if I was playing our regular gig on the boat.... I didn't remember having the conversation with her! Apparently, I did mention it to the Kingdom Dixie bandleader, and he said that I told him we were waiting for her call but never received it. It still sucked.
NCAVB on the float |
FIRST GIG was with the Newport City Area Volunteer Band (NCAVB), riding the float through the parade. I played euphonium, and as usual each time we played the three pieces I got better but my lip didn't hold up too well. Sounded pretty good though, I think. It's fun to play for this appreciative audience. At the end we have always turned right and looped back to our cars. This time, we couldn't get through so had to wait until the very end, meaning we sat there for about 1-1/2 hours. Glad I brought water!
The Session Guys - Alex |
2nd GIG was with The Session Guys (Chandler (set/vox), Alex (gtr/vox). I was subbing for Eli (bass/vox) because he had to work. I had learned all of their songs, which are all originals, the day before, and we had no rehearsals. I wanted to be there a little earlier, but the parade held us up. Kyle and Chris arrived with the sound equipment shortly after we did, so we were able to help set up the PA, and I was able to use Chris' bass amp. It took a while to set up, but I was told the sound was great. I used my earplugs the whole time, because the bass amp was very loud. Chris changed the stage volume after a bit, though, so it got more comfortable. My effects board really didn't change much when I used the overdrive, but it may have been the earplugs. I didn't dare use the flanger. The octaver sounded great on an introduction. I wish I knew the songs a little better, so I could have relaxed. It's ALWAYS fun to play a gig with Chandler!!
The Session Guys -Chandler |
3rd GIG was Soul Kingdom. This was the highlight of my day, for sure. I got there at about 4:40, knowing things would be a bit behind, but the 4:00 band was on their FIRST song. The rapper who went before them had gone on too long, and had to get kicked off the stage! So we waited until they were done, set up quickly, and got started. It felt great to play the music I've actually been rehearsing. My stage sound was weird though. Way more bass was out front than from the amp, and I felt like I wanted more - but on the plus side, my ears weren't bleeding by the end. Using Chris' amp made things much easier for me, but gave me far less control. I didn't bother using my effects board. The songs were played very well except for two little things I need to watch out for - first was that Brett played a triplet fill that threw me off for a second. It shouldn't have surprised me; I should have just solidly hit the one as usual. There was only a slight hesitation on my part, but I noticed it. Also, we had a problem on the intro to Black is Black - I started in D, someone else started in E, and then I saw Kyle going back and forth, as in the verses. Now I'm doubting myself - who's right? I'll have to check. The rest of the song was great.
NCAVB at Irasburg |
4th GIG was with the NCAVB again, in Irasburg this time. We played in the town square, beside the small but tall gazebo. Since Chandler wasn't there, I played bass drum. The audience was appreciative and we had a good time.
The Session Guys (all originals):
I was 16
Maggie Rae
5 Years Gone By
Send me to AZ
Bleach Blonde Hair
Call It Quits
Ballad of Ms. Jones
Over and Out
Brand New
One Way
Soul Kingdom:
Soul Finger
The Letter
In the Midnight
Higher and Higher
Black is Black
I Got You
The Chicken
Knock on Wood
Got to Get You Into My Life
Hold On
I Wish
Newport City Area Volunteer Band at Irasburg:
THE LIBERTY BELL March (Red book “Marches of Fame”)
Highlights from THE MUSIC MAN
OUR DIRECTOR March (red book)
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