Thursday, April 26, 2012


When conducting young bands, I'm afraid the "artsy stuff" has to go out the window.  Young bands need everything exaggerated.  The beat needs to be exact and easily seen.  Cues need to be very obvious, with both eye contact and a very direct cue with the free hand.  Getting students attention several measures ahead of time is helpful.  One way I do that is to use my free hand and hold up one finger - it gets their attention and they know they have to get ready to come in.  If I really need to get someone's attention (usually drummers) I move to the left or the right.  The movement up front should get them to look.  With dynamics, kids need to full scope of movement.  Arms should use the full range of motion, and I'll even squat down at the podium to really get them to be quiet.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I think about blogging a lot.  And then I don't blog.  It's probably because it's more important for me to attend to other things.  BUT I think that blogging can help me to organize my thoughts.  So here's what I want to blog:
  1. What I've learned this year
  2. Review of my concert pieces, and which ones should become standard pieces to perform
  3. Discussion of future music to play (link here to library)
  4. Rock and roll in band music
  5. Music Festivals
  6. How else to get kids involved in playing their instruments